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Linkedin Message Ads: Tips You Should Know

Linkedin Message Ads: Tips You Should Know

Conversations are essential in building the “Know, like, and trust” factor that leads people to do business together. If you’re struggling to get engagements on social media, it’s time to focus on creating conversations. And if your targeted platform is LinkedIn, message ads can help you do that.

A message ad effectively reaches your audience with a native ad delivered directly to your target audience’s LinkedIn inbox. That means you engage them where they hopefully spend most of their time and while they’re in a professional mindset. Message Ads include various options to help you serve more personalized content based on your customer journey objectives. These ads are technically designed to help your prospects. Customers access the content and instantly get the most interesting offers, driving higher-quality engagement for you.

With all other ad formats on LinkedIn, you pay only when someone clicks. But with LinkedIn Message Ads, you pay just to send it to someone without guarantee they’ll notice it, open it, or click on the link added there. There are so many steps between receiving the ad and clicking on your offer that message ads can get expensive quickly.

Therefore, to grab your audience’s attention, you must understand what types of ads will serve your purpose. Here are some aspects regarding message ads that you may find helpful.

Put yourself in the recipient’s shoes

If you were the recipient, just think about how the message would look to you. Will you classify it as spam email and just ignore it? Or will you get excited about getting introduced to such a fantastic opportunity? Yes! You got the point. Putting yourself in the recipient’s place will help you analyze your message standard.

Add your offer in a way that feels like a personal invitation

If you just write, “Hey! We want you to check out our website and purchase any of these products!” you may have the highest possible cost per conversation. Instead, if you give them some offers analyzing the general information that might be of good use to them, that will bring high engagement, bringing your overall cost per message way down.

Name your LinkedIn campaign after the ad characteristics

Go through your target audience category, your InMail objectives, and your offers. Then name your campaign after that. That way, you’ll be able to recognize precisely what the campaign is and whom you’re targeting.

Narrow down your audience

LinkedIn offers so many practical tools to narrow down your target audience. Try to make sure you bring out the best use of them. Do proper research before every campaign. Your money is valuable. So don’t hesitate to put more effort into your research before spending it.

Add a punchy subject

The subject is essential because it dictates what your open rate is in the first place. Don’t forget; you’ve already paid to send this message to recipients, so if your expected number of people don’t open it, your costs will be inflated. Hence, your subject should be short and punchy because people don’t tend to have a whole lot of time while they’re scrolling through their inboxes. It would help if you caught their attention, whether they’re on a mobile device where it’s tiny or on a desktop where it’s enormous.

Make the recipient feel special

You can’t really do anything dynamic in the subject line to make the message personal, but you can in the message text. So try to make sure you are getting along with your audiences through your words. Try to make it a little casual. Get into the audience’s head with your punch lines. So that, even if they don’t purchase anything, at least your brand name stays in their head.

Don’t waste people’s time

Your audience’s time is as valuable as yours. Front-load your text with as much value as you can so that people can quickly see what’s in it for them. It shouldn’t be a giant block of text. LinkedIn is a medium for professionals, and professional people don’t tend to spend too much of their time on social media. Therefore, long messages may cause a drop in interest.

By following these key points, you should successfully create LinkedIn message ads that are incredibly powerful and work better than any other ad format for this purpose. Varying on your objectives, you can also use text ads or conversation ads.


using LinkedIn Message Ads can be a highly effective way to connect with your target audience on a professional networking platform. By following the tips and best practices we’ve discussed in this article, you can create campaigns that are targeted, personalized, and compelling.

Recapping the key takeaways, it’s important to set clear goals, understand your target audience, create relevant and valuable content, test and optimize your campaigns, and avoid spamming. By implementing these strategies, you can increase the effectiveness of your LinkedIn Message Ads and achieve your advertising goals.

Finally, we recommend staying up to date with the latest trends and changes in the LinkedIn advertising landscape to ensure you’re using the most effective strategies possible. With the right approach, LinkedIn Message Ads can be a powerful tool for expanding your professional network and achieving your marketing objectives.

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Rokibul Hasan

I am entrepreneurial-minded marketing & sales professional who is passionate about innovating industries through the avenue of technology. My goal is to approach everything I tackle with a beginner's mind and an eagerness to learn.

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